SYLVIE PROIDL, eine bildende Künstlerin mit Schwerpunkt "bedrohte Lebensräume" führt mit KAMPOLERTA, einer Gruppe zur ungewöhnlichen Nutzung von öffentlichen Räumen, eine FlashGardening-Aktion durch. Die New Genre Public Art - AktionKRASSE KRESSE on tour soll Menschen, die sich nicht schon aus dem Sandkasten kennen im Rahmen eines BlitzGarten-Events zusammenführen. Zahlreiche Menschen, in Erwartung auf Konzert und Theater, sollen auf das Begrünungs-Treiben aufmerksam werden; es darf zu intersubjektiven Durchmischungen zwischen PerformerInnen und ZuseherInnen kommen.
SYLVIE PROIDL, a visual artist whose focus is “endangered environments”, has joined forces with KAMPOLERTA, a group devoted to unusual uses of public spaces, to create KRASSE KRESSE on tour. The New Genre Public Art action is designed to bring together people who have not known each other since childhood days for a FlashGardening event. The goal is to attract the attention of the many visitors and tourists who pass by here for concert and theatre events. The planting event will hopefully lead to an intersubjective mixture between performers and onlookers.
SYLVIE PROIDL, a visual artist whose focus is “endangered environments”, has joined forces with KAMPOLERTA, a group devoted to unusual uses of public spaces, to create KRASSE KRESSE on tour. The New Genre Public Art action is designed to bring together people who have not known each other since childhood days for a FlashGardening event. The goal is to attract the attention of the many visitors and tourists who pass by here for concert and theatre events. The planting event will hopefully lead to an intersubjective mixture between performers and onlookers.
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